The whole Erasmus team was impressed by the attraction of Tevitöl high school in Kochaeli located over the Marmara Sea which offered us perfect conditions to work out the final report for the two years project we did together with a great success.
Great Thanks to Evren and Samet who had organized a perfect meeting for us including a visit of Istanbul. It was the high light of the project.
Two days of hard team work at school and the report was almost ready to submit.
At the last day of our stay in Turkey they presented us their capital in an amazing way.
Visiting the historical places of Istanbul Hagia Sophia, Hippodrome, Sultans palace was amazing. The boat trip with dinner on the Bosporus was awesome.
After the boat trip we had to say Good Bye and all of us went home in hopefully relaxing summer holidays.
And maybe in the future we all will see us again in another international science activity like this.