This year our annual club meeting took place at the State School Center for environmental education in Adelsheim. We have worked on projects with much enthusiasm and a lot of fun at the 12th of February 2019 until the 15th of February 2019. Everyone had their own task to accomplish in one of seven different work groups. The first group dealt with an experiment for the PHB-Fermentation, which is part of this year’s Erasmus+ Project in Evereux. Another group dealt with Epigenetics. We also created one of our multimedia CDs ab out this topic, which we also offer for sale.
We also service our Experimental-Case-Sets in Adelsheim every year, which we lend to interested schools. Mainly, however, we set up new suitcases and constantly improve them. Another project was the yearly CD-Production with educational materials for teacher and students, which are getting constantly updated. This year we made the 26th CD, which informs about Epigenetics. As well as the creation of our new club-Homepage, which is filled with current reports and articles. Our reports on platforms like E Twinning, Mobility Tool and Sustainabilty by Biotechnology got updated and optimized as well.
At the end of our Adelsheim week all teams uploaded their results and findings on the forum. We look back on a busy, exhausting, but also successful week, in which the fun was not neglected.